A Plastic Ocean

What is the problem with plastic?
- It's strong (It doesn't break down)
- It has chemicals in it that are bad for our health
- It kills a lot of wildlife (Photos below)
- Once it is used, there's nowhere for it to go.
- It uses oil (a non-renewable resource)
- Non-environmental friendly
- It's everywhere in daily life. If you go to a supermarket, mostly everything is packaged in plastic.
- People don't know how bad it really is. If more people knew about the problem, then it would be easier to fix
- people think that when you put plastic in the bin, it magically disappears. They think that it's gone for good when really, it's just been taken away and is still destroying our planet.
What is being done to help fix the problem:
- People telling everyone about how bad it really is
- Videos/documentaries
- Plasma torched (used on navy ships)
- In Germany, there are machines that take plastic bottles back to the company that made it, and it then gets recycled.

REDUCE, REUSE, RECYCLE - We all need to help to stop the problem from getting worse. I am going to try to use less plastic to help with this problem.
Much better hearing this in your own words Campbell. You had remembered a lot of things from the documentary. I was really impacted by it and it is great to hear you are going to try and use less plastic. Is there anything in particular that you will change? Plastic bags? Glad wrap? Plastic straws?