Leadership - Update

I have been going on quite a few trips as an Enviro Leader, And I enjoy it. So far the Enviro Leaders have gone to the Kaniwhaniwha Reserve, To collect seeds from in the bush. We found lots of seeds. Some of the seeds we used with juniors. They got to plant the totaras. They seemed to enjoy doing this, and when they are my age they will leave Te Pahu school with the seedling that they planted. 
I am enjoying being an Environmental Leader.

I really like being a Lunchtime Librarian. I have wanted this position for years. It has been going pretty well, except I was having a few problems in the library. They have been fixed, and I am working in the library on Mondays now. I am sure the problems have been fixed, and I am going to have a great time in the library now.
We also went to Lake Rotopiko and look at plants and birds. The lake had big, tall fences around it to keep out pests (Rats, Possums, stoats, ferrets etc.) It was a fun trip, and around the lake there were lots of activities for us. Next week we will (Probably) release some kokako onto mount Pirongia. I am excited for this because I like birds. I have seen photos and heard them before, but never seen one.
We are also planning to build an outdoor classroom for younger students to learn about the environment and look at plants.
We are also planning to build an outdoor classroom for younger students to learn about the environment and look at plants.
I am enjoying being an Environmental Leader.
I really like being a Lunchtime Librarian. I have wanted this position for years. It has been going pretty well, except I was having a few problems in the library. They have been fixed, and I am working in the library on Mondays now. I am sure the problems have been fixed, and I am going to have a great time in the library now.
I am loving being a Lunchtime Librarian.
Photo not taken in my school library* |
So leadership has been going well this year. I will keep posting updates on what happens with the leadership, so keep on the lookout!
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