My Science Fair; Chooky Chow - THE RESULTS!
Science Fair Results!

My title for science fair was Chooky Chow. My aim was to find out what diet and environment gave the best chicken eggs. I chose to do this because I love my chickens and I wanted to find out what was best for them and their eggs.
My hypothesis was that the free-range environment where they get fed pellets and food scraps would give the best eggs. I was wrong. The best eggs were from when they were getting pellets but the shells of the eggs were thicker when they were in the cage because they were only getting fed pellets and couldn't scratch around for bugs and worms.
I really enjoyed doing science fair. It was and wasn't what I expected. I didn't think I had to do as much research and logbook work as what I did in reality. It was hard, but it felt great to have it finished in the end.
My tips for other people doing science fair is to start early and use time wisely. Time passes fast while doing science fair! I nearly ran out of time, but I caught up at the end which felt good. I recommend people to work alone rather than with a buddy because arranging to come over to each others houses can be hard, and it is harder to put both opinions together to get a final idea.
So, the results for my science fair are good. I got 2nd place! 😆I am really proud of how well I have done. I did a lot better than I expected. I thought my science fair was a little bit rushed and the logbook wasn't very good, but it turned out to be the opposite! I am happy to have done well and I will be going to the Waikato Regional Science Fair for it to be judged. I hope to do well.
Here is a photo of what my board looked like:
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